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Open Seas Yacht Club

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Who is OYSC?
The Open Seas Yachting Club is Chesapeake Bay's premier gay and lesbian boating experience - a club for those interested in all aspects of on-water fun. Our goal is to provide a fun avenue for the enjoyment of boating and other water activities in the company of gay men and lesbians.

Established in 1989, the Club has been serving boaters throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware for over 25 years. We usually have members from all over and around the Chesapeake Bay. Our members share a love of boating.

Our fleet includes a wide variety of watercraft ranging from ski boats to substantial motor and sailing yachts. We also have members who do not own boats, but share our love of the water. We offer water and land based social events each year on and around the Chesapeake Bay.

In addition to social events, we have an active website and e-mail (forum) list on our members-only website which keep members informed about club business, past and future events, and our members and what they are up to.

OYSC has volunteers including a volunteer Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster.

If you see us on the water, say hello!  We are always happy to meet fellow boaters.

Visitors are always welcome! Check out our other FAQs for information on how to join.
How do I join OSYC?
Before becoming an Open Seas Yacht Club member and as a first time applicant to the club, you are invited to attend one club event. This will give you the opportunity to get to know some of the members, and learn about the club and its benefits. Please note some events have fees.

If, after one event, you would like to continue your participation you will be required to complete the membership application online, and pay the applicable membership dues. If you have any questions please use the "Contact Us" link to the left.

You can apply for a member ship by clicking here.

We look forward to having you as a new member!
Power Boats or Sail Boats?
We have a wide array of boats in our club, from mono hull sailboats, large catamarans, small runabouts to larger power cruisers.  Everyone is welcome!
How Active Do I have To Be?
Members are invited to attend one or all events, whichever suits your schedule.
We like to see our members at as many events as possible.
How do I find out what's going on?
As a member, you will have access to the club's calendar. Our events are listed there.  We strongly encourage registering for events, so that our "hosts" can plan accordingly.  Also, some events require a registration fee (Winter Chill, Crab Feast etc) and that will be noted on the registration site when you register.
What if I don't have a boat?
Anyone can join OSYC, as long as they have an interest in boating. 
Once a member, you can always send out a message on our Forum, looking to "crew" on someones boat for any particular event.